CETL's Mission/Charter

CETL was formed by the Faculty Association in 2002 and funded through a grant from the National Education Association, which was matched by the College. The center provides activities such as mentoring, training and guest speaker seminars to help faculty improve learning through effective teaching and learning practices. CETL provides assistance in the form of mentoring and tutoring of individual faculty on assessment. Current activities include coordinating and scheduling CEFD classes for faculty, scheduling outside speakers and facilitating workshops.

To support and enable faculty:

  • In making research-based decisions regarding classroom techniques
  • In creating methods for assessing student learning
  • In pioneering innovative teaching practices

Guiding Principles

CETL supports a campus culture that recognizes and values the important role of faculty.

Participation in CETL activities is voluntary and developmental rather than evaluative.

CETL provides a place for accessing resources and exchanging ideas on current teaching practices in order to increase communication about teaching and learning.


Promote excellence in college teaching

Offer instructional strategies and support using a collaborative environment and problem-solving approach to improve learning

Assist faculty in developing student learning outcomes and designing appropriate assessment methods, by supporting existing programs and developing new CEFD workshops and seminars.

KYSS Conference

Keeping Your Students Successful (KYSS) is a yearly event that includes faculty development sessions, guest speakers and open discussion about issues facing education today. See this year's conference schedule.

KYSS Conference

Reid Library Resources

Teaching Award Winners