Lewis and Clark Community College respects the civil rights and liberties of each member of the college. However, it is imperative for the college to be a safe environment, free from violence, threats of violence, coercion and harassment, allowing for the exchange and expression of ideas.
Student conduct is governed by this Student Conduct Code. Violations of the Student Conduct Code are subject to disciplinary action up to and including expulsion. Student conduct which is subject to disciplinary action includes, but is not limited to:
- Violations of federal, state and local laws on any property owned, operated, leased or controlled by the college or at any College-sponsored activity, on- or off-campus. Violation of laws off College property may also be considered a violation of College policy depending upon the circumstances.
- Acts that interfere with the purposes and processes of the college community or that deny the rights of members of the college community.
- Academic dishonesty, including but not limited to cheating, plagiarism, and forgery.
- Using College technology resources in a manner that violates College policies, including but not limited to unauthorized access to or altering, damaging, destroying, or removing a computer, a computer program, or data; scheming to deceive or defraud to gain control over money, services, or property (including electronically produced data, confidential or copyrighted material, financial information, or as otherwise protected by applicable law).
- Violation of the college’s rules, regulations, and policies.
- Fighting, violent acts or threats of violence.
- Possession and/or consumption of alcoholic beverages except at off-campus activities where such possession and consumption meet requirements of state law and where the location of the activity does not prohibit such beverages.
- Being under the influence of alcohol, illicit drugs, or any controlled substance not prescribed to the student by a licensed physician/nurse practitioner.
- Sale, use, possession, or distribution of illicit drugs, drug paraphernalia, or any controlled substance not prescribed to the student by a licensed physician/nurse practitioner.
- In response to the passage of the Illinois Smoke-Free Campus Act (Public Act 098-0985), the college has taken action to comply with the law and support entirely smoke-free campuses. This includes tobacco, e-cigarettes and any other type of smoke. Smoking is prohibited indoors and outdoors, as well as in college-owned vehicles and private vehicles that are on campus property. Lewis and Clark hopes to promote an environment that supports the health and well-being of its students, staff, faculty and visitors. Transitioning to a smoke-free campus decreases the effects of secondhand smoke, promotes fire safety and helps support the college’s efforts toward sustainability. Violators of the policy are subject to fines and other disciplinary actions. For more information on the policy or to view a smoke-free campus map visit www.lc.edu/smokefree.
- Gambling.
- Theft or damage to College property or property of members of the college community and any student housing.
- Failure to meet financial obligations relative to College transactions or the issuing of fraudulent checks.
- Possession, carrying, displaying, brandishing, discharging or otherwise having control of or using a firearm, weapon, explosives or other dangerous object or substance on College premises or engaging in other conduct inconsistent with the college’s policies against weapons and providing a safe environment.
- Denying a trustee, employee, student or invitee of the college freedom of movement or use of the facility; disrupting the performance of institutional duties or pursuit of educational activities; and occupying buildings or other property after due and legal notice to depart.
- Nuisance activities such as use of loud, abusive or otherwise improper language; creating any hazard to persons or things; blocking access ways; improper disposal of rubbish; loud music; or any other disruptive behavior.
- Lewd or obscene conduct, including the use of a computer to access pornographic or hate sites.
- Giving false or misleading information in response to requests from College officials.
- Engaging in harassment, intimidation and/or bullying. A student will be found responsible for harassment, intimidation or bullying (including physical, verbal, relational and emotional bullying) if s/he engages in conduct, including but not limited to any gesture, written, verbal or physical act or any electronic communication (which includes but is not limited to emails, text messages, videos and Internet postings on websites or social media), whether it be a single incident or series of such incidents, that occurs on or off the college campuses.
- Title IX and L&C policy prohibit sex and gender-based discrimination, including sexual misconduct. The policy regarding sexual misconduct is very clear. Anyone experiencing sexual misconduct may speak confidentially to the college’s confidential Counselor at 618-468-4125. A student may also choose to report it and have it investigated. Faculty are legally required to report incidents of sexual misconduct brought to their attention through any sources and thus cannot guarantee confidentiality. View the full policy at www.lc.edu/4rsv.
Note: Student Athletes are also required to comply with a separate Athlete Code of Conduct.