Lewis and Clark Community College is an achievement-driven institution thoroughly dedicated to student success and the continuing quality of life and prosperity of the communities we serve.
As an institution, we believe we have shown remarkable agility and adaptability in response to new and emerging challenges and opportunities over the years, and we are confident that we will be able to continue doing so moving forward.
The College’s Strategic Plan is grounded in four key directions (KDs):
- KD1: Create Enrollment and Retention Improvements
- KD2: Invest in Program and Curriculum Development
- KD3: Improve Lewis and Clark’s Internal and External Stakeholder Engagement
- KD4: Invest in Data and Technology Transformation
Each direction comprises a list of measurable aspirations, or goals, that will be led by interdepartmental mover teams charged with moving the college forward. Progress toward those goals will be tracked and reported to the L&C Board of Trustees biannually in a public forum.
The full strategic plan is available ongoing in the Lewis and Clark Board of Trustees online library.
L&C’s Strategic Plan was born out of a team effort, led by L&C leadership and incorporating feedback at every level from all Lewis and Clark Community College stakeholders, including team members, students, and community members.
For more information, contact the President’s Office at (618) 468-2001.
State of Trailblazer Nation
May 6, 2024, 4:30 - 5:30 p.m.
Ann Whitney Olin Theatre, Hatheway Cultural Center
Once a year, near the end of the spring semester, the college's leadership presents information on the progress during the past academic year toward achieving our aspirations, which are included in each of the strategic plan's key directions. Learn more about the highlights from the past year in the State of Trailblazer Nation Report.