Our Assessment and Testing Center offers proctoring services at four locations. Please visit our Locations and Hours page to find a site that best suits your needs.

Services Offered

  • Make-up Test Proctoring
  • Online/Blended Course Proctoring
  • Third-Party Proctoring

Third-Party Proctoring

If You Are a Lewis and Clark Student Needing to Take a Test at Another University

  1. Request approval from your L&C instructor to take a test at an alternate site.  
  2. Reach out to the other University in order to get contact information for their Testing Center. Once you have this, you will need to provide this information to the Assessment and Testing Center and your instructor.
  3. Fill out the Student Proctor Agreement and send it to testingcenter@lc.edu. You will also need to ensure that the Third Party Proctor Agreement is completed by the designated proctor.  
  4. Once you hear from the Assessment and Testing Center and your instructor that your testing site has been approved, it is your responsibility to make an appointment with the alternate site by the exam’s deadline. Make sure to check with the other University to see if there is a proctoring fee. The other University will handle sending the exam materials back to L&C.  

If you have an accommodation card, make sure that your instructor knows what accommodation you will need for the test in order to ensure that the other testing site can grant the accommodation. 

If you need help locating an alternate testing site, please contact the Assessment and Testing Center at testingcenter@lc.edu.

If You Are a Student From Another University Needing to Take a Test at L&C

  1. Reach out to the testing center at your University for more information.
  2. Once L&C has been approved as a proctor, call us at (618) 468-5232 or email testingcenter@lc.edu to schedule an appointment by your exam’s deadline.
  3. Arrive early for your exam and bring a valid photo ID.  Also, note that L&C does charge a $20 proctoring fee payable by cash or check only.