Official Pages/Accounts
The following are official social media pages for Lewis and Clark Community College and its affiliates. These are managed by specialists in L&C's Marketing & PR Department.
Lewis and Clark Community College
- Facebook (FB) - @lewisandclarkcc
- Instagram (IG) - @lewisandclarkcc
- YouTube - @lewisandclarkcc
- Flickr - @lewisandclarkcc
- TikTok - @lewisandclarkcc70
- LinkedIn -
President's Office
National Great Rivers Research and Education Center
- NGRREC FB - @ngrrec
- NGRREC IG - @thengrrec
- NGRREC Twitter - @ngrrec
- NGRREC Flickr - @ngrrec
- NGRREC YouTube - @ngrrecofficial
- RiverWatch FB - @illinoisriverwatch
- Athletics FB - @LCtrailblazers
- Athletics IG - @LCtrailblazersathletics
- Blazer Twitter - @blazerthenewfie
- Blazer IG - @BlazertheNewfie
N.O. Nelson
- N.O. Nelson FB - @LCnonelson
Academic Programs/Departments
The following are official departmental social media accounts. Each has a media specialist administrator, but is run primarily by L&C team members, usually program coordinators.
- Adult Education FB - @AdultEdatLC
- Architectural Technology FB - @LCarchitecturaltech, IG - @ lcarchitecturaltechnology
- Art (AFA) FB - @fineartsLC, IG - @LCfinearts
- Automotive Technology FB - @LCautomotivetechnology, IG - @LCautomotivetechnology
- Child Development (& Early Childhood Education) FB - @lcchilddevelopment
- College for Life IG (also has a private FB group that is not official) - @lc_collegeforlife
- Criminal Justice FB - @lccriminaljustice
- Dental Programs (Assisting & Hygiene) FB - @LCdentalprograms
- Drafting & Design FB - @LCdraftingdesign
- Exercise Science FB - @lcexercisescience
- Fire Science FB - @lcfirescience
- Graphic Design - @graphicdesignLC
- Honors College FB - @lchonorscollege, IG - @lchonors
- Music FB - @musicatLC
- Paralegal FB - @paralegalatLC
- Radio Broadcasting FB - @LCradiobroadcasting, IG - @lcradiobroadcasting
- Web Design FB - @webdesignatLC
- Welding Technology FB - @lcweldingtechnology, IG – @LCWeldingTechnology
Unofficial Pages/Accounts
These accounts are typically student-run for educational purposes and are considered unofficial, thought they are affiliated with the college.
Athletic Teams
- Men's & Women’s Tennis FB
- Volleyball IG
- Men's Soccer IG
- Women's Soccer IG
- Baseball Twitter
- Softball IG