GODFREY – Lewis and Clark Community College’s Community Education division is offering a weekly Private Pilot Ground Class from 6-9 p.m. every Monday from March 4 through June 3 (no class on May 27, Memorial Day).
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) required class is now being formed for the spring semester. Students must have previous Ground Training to qualify for Flight Training. Don Hill and John Harding, Aviation FAA Certified Flight Instructors, are teaching the course.
“If you are interested in flying, this class will help determine if aviation is the right path for you,” Hill said.
Registration costs $350; students must provide photo identification, such as a driver's license, a birth certificate, or passport, and $75 for books and materials on the first night of class after registration. Registration is required before class begins and is currently a non-credit offering.
The Private Pilot FAA Exam Preparation Course is designed to satisfy the mandatory requirements for passing the FAA written tests as the first step for a hobby or career in aviation or to update "rusty pilots" who want to get back into flying.
“I train all students to be aviators,” Hill said. “Although I know that not all ‘pilots’ may ever become one, the hope is that even one or more along the way can make a difference in this world.”
Hill says that once a pilot becomes an “aviator” (not your everyday, run-of-the-mill pilot) they realize that they have become charged with maintaining and spreading the interest and safety of flight in their talk and operations during their daily lives.
In-class exercises include flight planning for cross-country flights, calculations for cross winds, head and tail winds during takeoff, climb, cruise, landing, etc. Topics include aircraft systems, aerodynamics, aircraft instruments, navigation systems, and more.
Hill’s experience flying began as a freshman in high school. It continued through his extensive career as part of the U.S. Air Force, U.S. Marine Corps, the Department of Defense, and Homeland Security. Hill was trained for both Squadron Commander and Group Commander positions and served as such until he retired from the USAFA-CAP after 22 years as Lieutenant Colonel under the U.S. Air Force and Homeland Security.
“L&C has been a partner and supporter of aviation and flight instruction for over twenty years and provides this excellent service for the community,” added Hill.
To register or for more information, please contact Becky Moore at (618) 468-5701.
For more information on Community Education and its classes, visit https://www.lc.edu/academic-programs/non-credit-education/personal-enrichment.html.
Lewis and Clark Enrollment can be reached by phone at (618) 468-2222.