General Education Assessment
The Illinois Articulation Initiative (IAI) is a statewide General Education Core Curriculum transfer agreement which is used by more than 100 participating colleges and universities in Illinois. Students can consult or consult with a Lewis and Clark academic advisor to see the courses approved in Illinois as general education core courses. These courses appear under five categories:
- Communication
- Mathematics
- Physical & Life Sciences
- Humanities & Fine Arts and
- Social and Behavioral Sciences
At Lewis and Clark Community College, the faculty has also identified six general education learning outcomes that all students should acquire as a result of completing a certificate or degree at the College. These learning outcomes are embedded in courses across the curriculum. Lewis and Clark faculty teach and assess these six general education learning outcomes:
- Critical Thinking
- Math Reasoning
- Writing
- Speaking/Oral Presentation
- Teamwork Skills
- Diversity Appreciation
Assignments Scored with GEAC Rubrics by Department and Outcome
General Education Committee Report: Fall 2021-Spring 2022
General Education Committee Report: Fall 2022-Spring 2023
The following are links to rubrics for each of the six General Education Learning Outcomes and the names of the faculty leads for each outcome. Faculty should consult with these faculty leads to learn how they can embed general education learning in their courses.
- GEAC Leads and Outcomes
- Rubric - Critical Thinking
- Rubric - Math Reasoning
- Rubric - Writing
- Rubric - Speaking / Oral Presentation
- Rubric - Teamwork Skills
- Rubric - Teamwork Skills (with peer review)
- Rubric - Diversity Appreciation
For more information and instructions for using the GEAC rubrics in Blackboard, please access the HLC Assessment organization in Blackboard.