An exhibitor teaches participants about pelicans. NGRREC file photo.GODFREY – Lewis and Clark Community College and its National Great Rivers Research and Education Center (NGRREC℠) are looking for exhibitors to take part in this fall’s 21st annual Water Festival, a day for students and educators to explore all things water. The event will take place at Lewis and Clark’s Godfrey Campus.

This year is expected to draw the biggest turnout yet, with over 700 fifth grade students from Lewis and Clark’s district expected to participate.

“Water Festival provides a rich learning opportunity, not only for our area students, but also for teachers to learn,” said Interim Education Director and Swarovski Waterschool Coordinator Jen Mandeville.

The students, alongside their teachers, will participate in exciting activities aimed at becoming familiar with an assortment of water related topics such as river ecology, how the water cycle works, river activities like fishing and boating, and watershed protection.

Water Festival attendees learn water safety. NGRREC file photo.Students can look forward to exhibits ranging from using snow cones to learn how surface water becomes groundwater with the Southern Regional Groundwater Protection Planning Committee, to learning proper fishing line casting techniques with the Illinois Department of Natural Resources, and relay races to explore water and boat safety protocols.

Over 40 exhibitors are already slotted to participate, but more are needed to support this incredible day of learning. Sign up at

Sponsors are also needed to cover the cost of attendance for students. Donations of $50 will cover a single student’s attendance, $1000 a whole class’s attendance, and $3000 an entire school’s attendance. Sign up to donate at Sign up at

For more information regarding Water Festival, please contact Mandeville at or (618) 468-2790.

National Great Rivers Research and Education Center (NGRREC℠)

Founded in 2002 as a collaborative partnership between the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and Lewis and Clark Community College, NGRREC is dedicated to the study of great river systems and the communities that use them. The center aspires to be a leader in scholarly research, education, and outreach related to the interconnectedness of large rivers, their floodplains, watersheds, and their associated communities.